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James Nguyen

Student Researcher

James Nguyen is a current junior at La Quinta High school who is deeply interested in using biochemistry and biomedical engineering in the specific context of oncology. In his free time, you can find him reading self-help books, playing card games, or spending time with his family. In his research, James looked at the practical and economical effects of utilizing liquid biopsy markers for early cancer screening and monitoring. ​

I started my research journey because my grandma was victimized by cancer and diagnosed with glioblastoma; if I can help scientists, no matter the scale, I would feel like I am using my time in a purposeful way. The battle for effective cancer treatment has been long and costly. If this continues, many will suffer like my  grandma and relatives will experience the indescribably bad feeling of witnessing it, like I did. To me, scientific research serves as a way to train my mind and make improvements in the world that will affect future generations. 

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